Acoustics Links
Acoustics and Audio Societies at Penn State
- Penn State Student Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America (PSU ASA)
- Penn State Chapter of the Audio Engineering Society (AES)
- Center for Acoustics and Vibration (CAV)
Professional Societies
- Acoustical Society of America
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) of the USA
- Audio Engineering Society
- Association of Loudspeaker Manufacturing & Acoustics International (ALMA International)
Universities and Institutions
- Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State
- Brigham Young University: Acoustics Program
- University of Texas at Austin: Acoustics Program
- National Center for Physical Acoustics at the University of Mississippi
- Architectural Acoustics at the University of Nebraska
- Architectural Acoustics Program at Rensselaer Polytehcnic Institute
- Acoustics and Vibration Group (Mech. Eng.) at Boston University
- Physical Acoustics Group at Boston University
- Phyiscal Acoustics Lab at Boise State University
- University of Hartford: Acoustical Engineering Program (undergraduate)
- University of Salford Department of Acoustics, Audio, and Video
- University of Southampton
- Technical University of Denmark, Department of Acoustic Technology
- Helsinki University of Technology, Acoustics Laboratory
- Applied Acoustics at Chalmers Institute of Technology (Sweden)
- Acoustics departments at the Polish Academy of Science
- Acoustics Research Centre at The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
- Physics of Musical Acoustics at the University of New South Wales
- Lappenranta University of Technology
- Osaka University
- Music, Mind, and Machine Lab at MIT
- Applied Research Laboratory at Penn State
- Center for Acoustics and Vibration at Penn State
- Noise Control and Acoustics Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- WHOI Ocean Acoustics Lab Home Page
- IRCAM (France)
- Laboratory of Seismics and Acoustics
- Instituto de Acústica: WWW Acoustics Server (Spain)
- Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA
Animations, Demonstrations, and Information
- Dan Russell's Acoustic and Vibration Animations
- Victor Sparrow's Animations for Acoustics Education
- Demonstrations for Musical Acosutics from Univ. New South Wales
- Acoustics Animations at Brigham Young Univ.
- News group alt.sci.physics.acoustics
- Ocean Information Center, WOCE & TOGA COARE
- Bibliography for the "IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing"
- Speech/Acoustic related WWW information list
- Yahoo: Science:Acoustics
- Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration
Audio Related Links
- IEEE homepage
- Information regarding sound file formats (FAQ)
- Georgia Tech Multimedia Home Page