A loud speaker against the sky.

Minor in Acoustics

Petitions to obtain a minor in Acoustics will be considered. Current Penn State students interested in pursuing a minor in Acoustics must contact the Acoustics Program prior to initiating the minor (including enrolling in the first course). Individual programs of study for the minor will be established for each student and approved by the Acoustics Program in conjunction with the head of the student's major program and the J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School. At a minimum, the individual program must meet or exceed the requirements below.

Ph.D. Minor

Fifteen credits of Acoustics course work of which no fewer than nine credits must be from Acoustics core courses. The student must earn a grade of B or better in each course to be applied to the minor. A member of the Acoustics Program faculty must be a regular member of the student’s Ph.D. committee.

M.S. or M.Eng. Minor

Twelve credits of Acoustics course work of which no fewer than six credits must be from Acoustics core courses. The student must earn a grade of B or better in each course to be applied to the minor.



Founded in 1965, Penn State's Graduate Program in Acoustics has become the leading resource for graduate education in acoustics in the United States. The interdisciplinary program leads to the degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics (M.Eng.), Master of Science in Acoustics (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics (Ph.D.)

Graduate Program in Acoustics

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

14 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

556 White Course Drive

University Park, PA 16802