Welcome from the Program Director
Welcome to the Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State! A graduate-only program, we are the only place in the United States offering graduate degrees in acoustics to civilians. We have more than 650 graduates around the world, and the number keeps growing! In addition to offering graduate courses to resident students on the Penn State University Park campus, we simultaneously broadcast most of our courses for delivery to distance education students—and have been doing so for almost 40 years. We offer the unique opportunity to learn about acoustics, vibrations, and their applications from amazing faculty members, whether you come to University Park or participate in our courses online.
We offer three degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics, Master of Science in Acoustics, and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics. More recently, the College of Engineering also added a distance Doctor of Engineering degree that can be completed with an Acoustics focus. Both the Master of Engineering and the Doctor of Engineering can be earned by students at a distance. Resident students can also pursue the Master of engineering, which allows them to complete a graduate degree in three semesters. Residence at University Park is required for the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
We hope you like what you see, and, if you do, please visit us! Please contact acoustics@psu.edu if you would like to schedule an on-campus visit, or if you have specific suggestions on how we can improve this website. Thank you again for visiting! Stay up to date with the Acoustics Program through our Facebook page.
Julianna C. Simon
Interim Director and James F. Will Associate Professor

Julianna C. Simon
Interim Director and James F. Will Associate Professor
Graduate Program in Acoustics