Ceiling speakers in an anechoic chamber.

Distance Education Course Registration

Distance Education students may begin their studies in either the fall or spring semester. The sequence of core (required) courses for the fall and spring semesters is listed below. For the full listing of courses offered through the distance program for the upcoming semester, please see the DE course schedule.

Fall Semester

  • ACS 501 Elements of Acoustics and Vibration - 3 credits
  • ACS 502 Elements of Waves in Fluids - 3 credits
  • ACS 503 Signal Analysis for Acoustics and Vibration - 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • ACS 514 Electroacoustic Transducers - 3 credits
  • ACS 515 Acoustics in Fluid Waves - 3 credits
  • ACS 523 Advanced Signal Analysis - 3 credits

Distance Education Student Registration

Students who have not previously enrolled in a graduate level course at Penn State must complete a Penn State J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School Application for admission to either degree or nondegree status.

NOTE: ALL new nondegree students must complete the Fox Graduate School Online Application, including the application fee, before being able to enroll in classes in LionPATH. Once your PSU ID has been activated (within 2-3 days of your Fox Graduate School Nondegree Application) nondegree students can activate their account in LionPATH and get ready to enroll in courses in the upcoming semester.

When completing the application for non-degree admission students should fill out the "degree" and "program" areas as 'non-degree graduate' and 'none' respectively. The campus location for distance education students is World Campus.

Instructions for degree admission are listed on How to Apply to the Fox Graduate School. Degree Admission will take 6-8 weeks.

After submitting either a degree or non-degree application, the Fox Graduate School will provide you with a Penn State identification number (ID). Before being able to enroll in classes in LionPATH new students will need to consent to do University business electronically and promise to take financial responsibility for the payment of their account. See Survival Guide to Scheduling Courses in LionPATH

Continuing Distance Education Student

Before being able to enroll in classes in LionPATH a student who has enrolled as a degree or non-degree student in a Penn State graduate level course during the immediately preceding semester (fall/spring), will need to consent to do University business electronically and promise to take financial responsibility for the payment of their account. See Survival Guide to Scheduling Courses in LionPATH

Resuming Distance Education Degree Student

NOTE: ALL previously admitted degree students who did not take a course in the previous semester (spring/fall - does not include the summer semester) must go to the Fox Graduate School Application Website Fox Graduate School Application to re-activate their PSU ID.

The procedure for re-activating a PSU ID is to login to the Fox Graduate School Application Website Graduate School Application with your existing account and then search for the Resuming Student Application. (There is not a cost for submitting the Resuming Student Application.)

Once the PSU ID has been re-activated (within 2-3 days of completing the Resuming Student Application) Graduate Students can check their status and get ready to enroll in courses in the upcoming semester in LionPATH.

When filling out the Resuming Student Application complete all the information requested. The semester is the semester in which you are now enrolling. The campus location for distance education students is World Campus. A degree student will write M ENG in the areas requesting present degree and desired degree and write ACS in the areas requesting present major and desired major.

Before being able to enroll in classes in LionPATH a resuming distant education degree student will need to consent to do University business electronically and promise to take financial responsibility for the payment of their account. See Survival Guide to Scheduling Courses in LionPATH

Resuming Distance Education Non-degree Student

NOTE: ALL previously admitted nondegree students who did not take a course in the previous semester (spring/fall - does not include the summer semester) must to go to the Fox Graduate School Application Website Fox Graduate School Application to re-activate their PSU ID.

The procedure for re-activating a PSU ID is to login to the Fox Graduate School Application Website Fox Graduate School Application with your existing account and then search for the Resuming Student Application. (There is not a cost for submitting the Resuming Student Application.)

Once the PSU ID has been re-activated (within 2-3 days of completing the Resuming Student Application) Graduate Students can check their status and get ready to enroll in courses in the upcoming semester in LionPATH.

When filling out the Resuming Student Application complete all the information requested. The semester is the semester in which you are now enrolling. The campus location for distance education students is World Campus. A nondegree student will write nondegree in the areas requesting present degree and desired degree and write nondegree in the areas requesting present major and desired major.

Before being able to enroll in classes in LionPATH a resuming distant education degree student will need to consent to do University business electronically and promise to take financial responsibility for the payment of their account. See Survival Guide to Scheduling Courses in LionPATH

Instructions for class enrollment for the Graduate Program in Acoustics Distance Education Program students via Penn State LionPATH.

After consent has been given to do University business electronically and promise to take financial responsibility for the payment of your student account you will be allowed to register for fall courses. Distance Education registrations MUST use World Campus as the campus location.

Go to the Penn State main page

Click on "Current Students" on the top right.

Under "Academics" click on "Course Schedule". --- The second line in the Announcement paragraph instructs current students to log into LionPATH for the Schedule Builder. - Click on the LionPATH link and log in.

You are now at your Student Center.

Click on the yellow button that reads Search for Classes

Do a search using the drop downs as shown here:
  • Campus WC – World Campus
  • Location – leave empty
  • Subject – ACS – Acoustics
  • Course Number– leave empty
  • Course Career– Graduate School
  • Session – Regular Academic Session

Click on the SEARCH button and the classes that are being offered through the DE program will appear. Then go to the Enroll tab and follow the directions.

Tuition costs for distance education courses in acoustics are the same as in-state resident tuition. See Course Schedule for current rates.

Please note that the Penn State registration process is not complete until tuition and fees are paid. After students schedule their courses, the Bursar’s office will send an email message to the student’s official University email account announcing that the eBill is available. Regardless of the amount due, action is required to complete the registration process. For detailed information concerning your tuition bill please contact the Bursar’s office.

Helpful Information Links:

Survival Guide to Scheduling Courses in LionPATH

LionPATH Graduate Student webpage

Contact Kris Popovich at 814-863-6078 or cxp23@psu.edu if you have questions or problems.



Founded in 1965, Penn State's Graduate Program in Acoustics has become the leading resource for graduate education in acoustics in the United States. The interdisciplinary program leads to the degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics (M.Eng.), Master of Science in Acoustics (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics (Ph.D.)

Graduate Program in Acoustics

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

201 Applied Science Building

University Park, PA 16802