Photo of Thomas Gabrielson

Thomas Gabrielson

Research Professor


  • Acoustics
  • Applied Research Laboratory

218 Applied Science Building


Interest Areas:

Underwater and atmospheric acoustics, low-noise sensor design, power transducer design, precision calibration, analog electronics, embedded microcontrollers, remote and autonomous sensing, field instrumentation.






Founded in 1965, Penn State's Graduate Program in Acoustics has become the leading resource for graduate education in acoustics in the United States. The interdisciplinary program leads to the degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics (M.Eng.), Master of Science in Acoustics (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics (Ph.D.)

Graduate Program in Acoustics

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

14 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

556 White Course Drive

University Park, PA 16802