Photo of Jacques Rivière

Jacques Rivière

Assistant Professor


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Acoustics
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

307C Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Research Website

Google Scholar Profile

Research Areas:

Dynamic Systems, Acoustics, and Vibrations; Structural and Human Health Monitoring

Interest Areas:

Ultrasonics, geophysics, nonlinear acoustics, vibrations, nondestructive testing of materials, structural health monitoring, material characterization and damage assessment, and friction




  • B.S., Physique, Université du Maine, 2004
  • Master, Mécanique et Acoustique, École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs du Mans (ENSIM), Université du Maine, 2007
  • Master, Mécanique et Acoustique, Université du Maine, 2008
  • PhD, Acoustique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2012


Journal Articles

  • Jiayi Yu, Aagje Eijsink****, Chris J Marone, Jacques Riviere, Parisa Shokouhi and Derek Elsworth, 2024, "Role of Critical Stress in Quantifying the Magnitude of Fluid-Injection Triggered Earthquakes", Nature Communications
  • Linying Gao*, Parisa Shokouhi and Jacques Riviere, 2023, "Effect of Grain Shape and Relative Humidity on the Nonlinear Elastic Properties of Granular Media", Geophysical Research Letters, 50, (11)
  • Prabhav Borate**, Jacques Riviere, Chris J Marone, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer and Parisa Shokouhi, 2023, "Using a physics-informed neural network and fault zone acoustic monitoring to predict lab earthquakes", Nature Communications, 14, (1), pp. 3693
  • Evan Bozek**, Colin Williams, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2023, "Nonlinear/linear resonance ultrasound spectroscopy (N/RUS) of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel samples using in-contact and non-contact excitation", NDT & E International, 140, pp. 102948
  • Linying Gao*, Parisa Shokouhi and Jacques Riviere, 2022, "Effect of Relative Humidity on the Nonlinear Elastic Response of Granular Media", Journal of Applied Physics, 131, (5), pp. 055101
  • Colin Williams, Cody Borigo, Jacques Riviere, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Nondestructive evaluation of fracture toughness in 4130 steel using nonlinear ultrasonic testing", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 41, (1), pp. 1-12
  • Prabhakaran Manogharan, Clay Wood, Chris J Marone, Derek Elsworth, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Experimental Investigation of Elastodynamic Nonlinear Response of Dry Intact, Fractured and Saturated Rock", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55, (5), pp. 2665-2678
  • David C Bolton***, Srisharan Shreedharan***, Gregory McLaskey, Jacques Riviere, Parisa Shokouhi, Daniel Trugman and Chris J Marone, 2022, "The High-Frequency Signature of Slow and Fast Laboratory Earthquakes", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, (6), pp. e2022JB024170
  • Prabhakaran Manogharan, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Toward In-situ Characterization of Additively Manufactured Parts Using Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasonic Spectroscopy", Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 1-24
  • Srisharan Shreedharan***, David Chas Bolton***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2021, "Competition between preslip and deviatoric stress modulates precursors for laboratory earthquakes", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 553, pp. 116623
  • Evan Bozek^, Samantha McGuiguan, Zachary Snow, Edward Reutzel, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (NRUS) for the Quality Control of Additively Manufactured Samples", NDT and E International
  • Clay Wood, Parisa Shokouhi, Prabhakaran Manogharan, Jacques Riviere, Derek Elsworth and Chris J Marone, 2021, "Imaging elastodynamic and hydraulic properties of in-situ fractured rock: An experimental investigation exploring effects of dynamic stressing and shearing", Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, pp. e2020JB021521
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Vrushali Girkar, Jacques Riviere, Srisharan Shreedharan***, Chris J Marone, Clyde L Giles and Daniel Kifer, 2021, "Deep learning can predict laboratory quakes from active source seismic data", Geophysical Research Letters
  • David C Bolton***, Srisharan Shreedharan***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2021, "Frequency-Magnitude Statistics of Laboratory Foreshocks Vary With Shear Velocity, Fault Slip Rate, and Shear Stress", Journal of Geophysical Research
  • Prabhakaran Manogharan, Clay Wood, Chris J Marone, Derek Elsworth, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Nonlinear elastodynamic behavior of intact and fractured rock under in-situ stress and saturation conditions", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  • Samantha McGuigan, Andrea Arguelles, Anne-Francoise Obaton, Alkan Donmez, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for quality control of geometrically complex additively manufactured components", Additive Manufacturing, 39
  • Srisharan Shreedharan***, David Chas Bolton***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2021, "Machine learning predicts the timing and shear stress evolution of lab earthquakes using active seismic monitoring of fault zone processes", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, (7), pp. e2020JB021588
  • Abby R. Kenigsberg***, Jacques Riviere, Chris J Marone and Demian Saffer, 2020, "A method for determining absolute ultrasonic velocities and elastic properties of experimental shear zones", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 130, pp. 104306
  • David C. Bolton***, Srisharan Shreedharan***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2020, "Acoustic Energy Release During the Laboratory Seismic Cycle: Insights on Laboratory Earthquake Precursors and Prediction", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, (8), pp. e2019JB018975
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Jiang Jin, Clay Wood, Jacques Riviere, Benjamin Madara***, Derek Elsworth and Chris J Marone, 2020, "Dynamic Stressing of Naturally Fractured Rocks: On the Relation Between Transient Changes in Permeability and Elastic Wave Velocity", Geophysical Research Letters, 47, (1), pp. e2019GL083557
  • Abby R. Kenigsberg***, Jacques Riviere, Chris J Marone and Demian Saffer, 2020, "Evolution of Elastic and Mechanical Properties During Fault Shear: The Roles of Clay Content, Fabric Development, and Porosity", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, (3), pp. e2019JB018612
  • Srisharan Shreedharan***, David Chas Bolton***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2020, "Preseismic Fault Creep and Elastic Wave Amplitude Precursors Scale With Lab Earthquake Magnitude for the Continuum of Tectonic Failure Modes", Geophysical Research Letters, 47, (8), pp. e2020GL086986
  • Claudia Hulbert, Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Paul A. Johnson, Christopher X. Ren, Jacques Riviere, David C. Bolton*** and Chris J Marone, 2019, "Similarity of fast and slow earthquakes illuminated by machine learning", Nature Geoscience, 12, (1), pp. 69--74
  • David C Bolton***, Parisa Shokouhi, Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Claudia Hulbert, Jacques Riviere, Chris J Marone and Paul A Johnson, 2019, "Characterizing Acoustic Signals and Searching for Precursors during the Laboratory Seismic Cycle Using Unsupervised Machine Learning", Seismological Research Letters, 90, (3), pp. 1088-1098
  • Ariana Lucia Astorga, Guéguen, Philippe, Jacques Riviere, Toshihide Kashima and Paul Allan Johnson, 2019, "Recovery of the resonance frequency of buildings following strong seismic deformation as a proxy for structural health", Structural Health Monitoring, 18, (5-6), pp. 1966-1981
  • Srisharan Shreedharan***, Jacques Riviere, Pathikrit Bhattacharya and Chris J Marone, 2019, "Frictional State Evolution during Normal Stress Perturbations Probed with Ultrasonic Waves", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, (6), pp. 5469-5491
  • L Ostrovsky, A Lebedev, Jacques Riviere, Parisa Shokouhi, C Wu, MA Stuber Geesey and PA Johnson, 2019, "Long-Time Relaxation Induced by Dynamic Forcing in Geomaterials", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, (5), pp. 5003-5013
  • Zheng Lyu, Jacques Riviere, Qiang Yang and Chris J Marone, 2019, "On the mechanics of granular shear: The effect of normal stress and layer thickness on stick-slip properties", Tectonophysics, 763, pp. 86--99
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Jiang Jin, Clay Wood, Jacques Riviere, Benjamin Madara***, Derek Elsworth and Chris J Marone, 2019, "Dynamic stressing of naturally fractured rocks: on the relation between transient changes in permeability and elastic wave velocity", Geophysical Research Letters
  • Jiang Jin, Weilun Xi, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2019, "Single-Impact Nonlinear Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy for Monitoring the Progressive Alkali--Silica Reaction in Concrete", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 38, (3), pp. 77
  • Abby R Kenigsberg***, Jacques Rivière, Chris J Marone and Demian Saffer, 2019, "The Effects of Shear Strain, Fabric, and Porosity Evolution on Elastic and Mechanical Properties of Clay-Rich Fault Gouge", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, (11), pp. 10968--10982
  • Kerry L. Ryan***, Jacques Riviere and Chris J Marone, 2018, "The role of shear stress in fault healing and frictional aging", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, pp. 10479 – 10495
  • Jiang Jin, Jacques Riviere, Yoshikazu Ohara and Parisa Shokouhi, 2018, "Dynamic acousto-elastic response of single fatigue cracks with different microstructural features: An experimental investigation", Journal of Applied Physics, 124, (7), pp. 075303
  • Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Claudia Hulbert, David C Bolton***, Christopher X Ren, Jacques Riviere, Chris J Marone, Robert A Guyer and Paul A Johnson, 2018, "Estimating fault friction from seismic signals in the laboratory", Geophysical Research Letters, 45, (3), pp. 1321--1329
  • Jacques Riviere, Z Lv, PA Johnson and Chris J Marone, 2018, "Evolution of b-value during the seismic cycle: Insights from laboratory experiments on simulated faults", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, pp. 407--413
  • Takuya Ishibashi, Derek Elsworth, Yi Fang, Jacques Riviere, Benjamin Madara***, Hiroshi Asanuma, Noriaki Watanabe and Chris J Marone, 2018, "Friction-stability-permeability evolution of a fracture in granite", Water Resources Research, 54, (12), pp. 9901-9918
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Jacques Riviere, Colton R Lake, Pierre-Yves Le Bas and TJ Ulrich, 2017, "Dynamic acousto-elastic testing of concrete with a coda-wave probe: comparison with standard linear and nonlinear ultrasonic techniques", Ultrasonics, 81, pp. 59--65
  • Jiang Jin, Maria Gabriela Moreno, Jacques Riviere and Parisa Shokouhi, 2017, "Impact-Based Nonlinear Acoustic Testing for Characterizing Distributed Damage in Concrete", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 36, (3), pp. 51
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Jacques Riviere, Pierre-Yves Le Bas and TJ Ulrich, 2017, "Nonlinear Acoustic Testing for Concrete Materials Evaluation", Materials Evaluation, 75, (1)
  • Parisa Shokouhi, Jacques Riviere, Robert A Guyer and Paul A Johnson, 2017, "Slow dynamics of consolidated granular systems: Multi-scale relaxation", Applied Physics Letters, 111, (25), pp. 251604
  • Jacques Riviere, Lucas Pimienta, Marco Scuderi, Thibault Candela, Parisa Shokouhi, Fortin, Jerome, Alexandre Schubnel, Chris J Marone and Paul A Johnson, 2016, "Frequency, pressure, and strain dependence of nonlinear elasticity in Berea Sandstone", Geophysical Research Letters, 43, (7), pp. 3226--3236
  • Riviere, J., Parisa Shokouhi, Robert A Guyer and Paul A Johnson, 2015, "A set of measures for the systematic classification of the nonlinear elastic behavior of disparate rocks", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, (3), pp. 1587--1604
  • Marcel C Remillieux, TJ Ulrich, Payan, C\'edric, Jacques Riviere, Colton R Lake and Pierre-Yves Le Bas, 2015, "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for materials with high damping and samples of arbitrary geometry", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, (7), pp. 4898--4916
  • Jacques Riviere, MC Remillieux, Y Ohara, BE Anderson, S Haupert, TJ Ulrich and PA Johnson, 2014, "Dynamic acousto-elasticity in a fatigue-cracked sample", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 33, (2), pp. 216--225
  • G Renaud, Jacques Riviere, C Larmat, JT Rutledge, RC Lee, RA Guyer, K Stokoe and PA Johnson, 2014, "In situ characterization of shallow elastic nonlinear parameters with dynamic acoustoelastic testing", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, (9), pp. 6907--6923
  • Sylvain Haupert, Jacques Riviere, Brian Anderson, Yoshikazu Ohara, TJ Ulrich and Paul Johnson, 2014, "Optimized dynamic acousto-elasticity applied to fatigue damage and stress corrosion cracking", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 33, (2), pp. 226--238
  • G Renaud, Jacques Riviere, S Haupert and P Laugier, 2013, "Anisotropy of dynamic acoustoelasticity in limestone, influence of conditioning, and comparison with nonlinear resonance spectroscopy", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133, (6), pp. 3706--3718
  • G Renaud, Jacques Riviere, P-Y Le Bas and PA Johnson, 2013, "Hysteretic nonlinear elasticity of Berea sandstone at low-vibrational strain revealed by dynamic acousto-elastic testing", Geophysical Research Letters, 40, (4), pp. 715--719
  • Jacques Riviere, G Renaud, RA Guyer and PA Johnson, 2013, "Pump and probe waves in dynamic acousto-elasticity: Comprehensive description and comparison with nonlinear elastic theories", Journal of applied physics, 114, (5), pp. 054905
  • Jacques Riviere, Sylvain Haupert, Pascal Laugier and Paul A Johnson, 2012, "Nonlinear ultrasound: Potential of the cross-correlation method for osseointegration monitoring", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, (3), pp. EL202--EL207
  • Jacques Riviere, Sylvain Haupert, Pascal Laugier, TJ Ulrich, Pierre-Yves Le Bas and Paul A Johnson, 2012, "Time reversed elastic nonlinearity diagnostic applied to mock osseointegration monitoring applying two experimental models", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131, (3), pp. 1922--1927
  • Sylvain Haupert, Guillaume Renaud, Jacques Riviere, Maryline Talmant, Paul A Johnson and Pascal Laugier, 2011, "High-accuracy acoustic detection of nonclassical component of material nonlinearity", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, (5), pp. 2654--2661
  • Jacques Riviere, Guillaume Renaud, Sylvain Haupert, Maryline Talmant, Pascal Laugier and Paul A Johnson, 2010, "Nonlinear acoustic resonances to probe a threaded interface", Journal of Applied Physics, 107, (12), pp. 124901

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




Founded in 1965, Penn State's Graduate Program in Acoustics has become the leading resource for graduate education in acoustics in the United States. The interdisciplinary program leads to the degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics (M.Eng.), Master of Science in Acoustics (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics (Ph.D.)

Graduate Program in Acoustics

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

14 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

556 White Course Drive

University Park, PA 16802