Photo of Victor Sparrow

Victor Sparrow

United Technologies Corporation Professor


  • Acoustics
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

411 ECoRE Building


Research Areas:


Interest Areas:

Sonic booms, outdoor sound propagation, computational acoustics, structural acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, scientific visualization.




  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Duke University, 1985
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1987
  • Ph D, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1990


Journal Articles

  • Kimberly A. Riegel and Victor W Sparrow, 2022, "Secondary sonic boom predictions for U.S. coastlines", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 152, (5), pp. 2816-2827
  • Trevor A. Stout and Victor W Sparrow, 2022, "Atmospheric turbulence effects on shaped and unshaped sonic boom signatures", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 151, (5), pp. 3280-3290
  • Trevor A. Stout, Victor W Sparrow and Philippe Blanc-Benon, 2021, "Evaluation of numerical predictions of sonic boom level variability due to atmospheric turbulence", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149, (5), pp. 3250-3260
  • Kimberly A. Riegel and Victor W Sparrow, 2019, "Sonic boom propagation around a large building using a combined ray tracing/radiosity method", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 145, (4), pp. 2317-2327
  • Trevor A Stout and Victor W Sparrow, 2018, "Time-domain spline interpolation in a simulation of N-wave propagation through turbulence", JASA Express Letters, 144, (3), pp. 7
  • William J. Doebler and Victor W Sparrow, 2018, "Erratum: Stability of sonic boom metrics regarding signature distortions from atmospheric turbulence", JASA Express Letters, 144, (1), pp. 1
  • William J. Doebler and Victor W Sparrow, 2017, "Stability of sonic boom metrics regarding signature distortions from atmospheric turbulence", JASA Express Letters, 141, (6), pp. 7
  • Joyce A. Rosenbaum, Anthony A Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2016, "Inclusion of elevation angle source directivity in the parabolic equation method", Noise Control Engineering Journal, 64, (2), pp. 14
  • Alexandre Jolibois, Jerome DeFrance, H Koreneff, Philippe Jean, Denis Duhamel and Victor W Sparrow, 2015, "In situ measurement of the acoustic performance of a full scale tramway low height noise barrier prototype", Applied Acoustics, 94, pp. 11
  • J. Salamone, Victor W Sparrow and K. Plotkin, 2013, "Solution of the lossy nonlinear Tricomi equation with application to sonic boom focusing", AIAA J., 51, (7), pp. 1745-1754
  • A. Jolibois, D. Duhamel, Victor W Sparrow, J. Defrance and P. Jean, 2012, "Scattering by a cylinder covered with an arbitrary distribution of impedance and application to the optimization of a tramway noise abatement system", J. Sound Vib., 331, pp. 5597-5622
  • S. T. Cho and Victor W Sparrow, 2011, "Diffraction of sonic booms around buildings resulting in the building spiking effect", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129, (3), pp. 1250-1260
  • K. L. Gee, Victor W Sparrow, M. M. James, J. M. Downing, C. M. Hobbs, T. B. Gabrielson and A. A. Atchley, 2008, "The role of nonlinear effects in the propagation of noise from high-power jet aircraft", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123, (6), pp. 4082-4093
  • Lance L. Locey and Victor W Sparrow, 2007, "Modeling atmospheric turbulence as a filter for sonic boom propagation", Noise Control Eng. J., 55, (6), pp. 495-503
  • Kent L. Gee, Victor W Sparrow, Michael M. James, J. Micah Downing, Christopher M. Hobbs, Thomas B. Gabrielson and Anthony A. Atchley, 2007, "Measurement and prediction of noise propagation from a high-power jet aircraft", AIAA J., 45, (12), pp. 3003-3006
  • Kent L. Gee, Victor W Sparrow, Anthony Atchley and Thomas B. Gabrielson, 2007, "On the perception of crackle in high-amplitude jet noise", AIAA Journal, 45, (3), pp. 593-598
  • K. L. Gee, S. Hales Swift, Victor W Sparrow, K. J. Plotkin and J. M. Downing, 2007, "On the potential limitations of conventaional sound metrics in quantifying perception of nonlinearly propagated noise", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 121, (1), pp. EL1-7
  • Alexandra Loubeau, Victor W Sparrow, Larry L. Pater and Wayne M. Wright, 2006, "High-frequency measurements of blast wave propagation", JASA Express Letters, 120, (3), pp. EL29-EL35
  • K. L. Gee and Victor W Sparrow, 2006, "Measurement and prediction of nonlinearity in outdoor propagation of periodic signals", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120, (5), pp. 2491-2499
  • O. Al-Bataineh, T. D. Mast, E. Park, Victor W Sparrow, R. M. Keolian and N. B. Smith, 2006, "Utilization of the k-space method in the design of a ferroelectric hyperthermia phased array", Ferroelectrics, 331, pp. 103-120
  • K. L. Gee, T. B. Gabrielson, A. A. Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Preliminary analysis of nonlinearity in military jet aircraft noise propagation", AIAA Journal, 43, (6), pp. 1398-1401
  • M. S. Wochner, A. Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Numerical simulation of finite amplitude wave propagation in air using a realistic atmospheric absorption model", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, (5), pp. 2891-2898


  • Victor W Sparrow, Trevor A. Stout, Kevin A. Bradley and Christopher M. Hobbs, 2019, "SonicBAT: Some highlights and subsequent developments", pp. 8
  • Trevor Stout and Victor W Sparrow, 2019, "Three-dimensional simulations of shaped sonic boom signature loudness variations due to atmospheric turbulence", pp. AIAA Paper 2019-2562
  • B. Kim and Victor W Sparrow, 2013, "Comparison of finite element models for residential building walls and low frequency sound transmission"
  • R. Romond and Victor W Sparrow, 2013, "Incorporating real atmospheres into aviation noise models using meteorological data from the AERMOD atmospheric dispersion model"
  • S. Liu, Victor W Sparrow and Y. Makino, 2013, "Establishing new noise standards for civil supersonic aircraft: status report", pp. 73-77
  • J. Salamone and Victor W Sparrow, 2012, "A sonic boom propagation model including mean flow atmospheric effects"
  • A. Jolibois, D. Duhamel, Victor W Sparrow, J. Defrance and P. Jean, 2012, "Application of admittance optimization to the design of a low-height tramway noise barrier"
  • Victor W Sparrow, X. Di and F. Brittain, 2011, "Why full wave methods? What a noise control engineer should know"
  • J. Rosenbaum, Victor W Sparrow and A. Atchley, 2011, "Comparison between a hybrid parabolic equation-fast field program model and a ray-based method of outdoor sound propagation"
  • K. Poulain, Victor W Sparrow, K. Brentner and L. Sutherland, 2010, "Application of atmospheric absorption models for aircraft en-route noise"
  • J. Rosenbaum, A. Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2010, "Modeling propagation of aviation noise under range-dependent conditions, using a Parabolic Equation method"
  • J. E. Rosenbaum, A. A. Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2009, "Enhanced sound propagation modeling of aviation noise using a hybrid parabolic equation - fast field program method"
  • A. Lind and Victor W Sparrow, 2009, "Including the effects of terrain reflections and postboom noise in sonic booms"
  • Victor W Sparrow and S. Garrett, 2008, "An audio reproduction grand challenge: design a system to sonic boom an entire house"
  • S. Cho and Victor W Sparrow, 2008, "Sonic boom diffraction around buildings using a finite difference time domain approach"
  • L. Locey, Victor W Sparrow and A. Piacsek, 2008, "Sonic boom post processing to include atmospheric turbulence effects"
  • E. Haering, L. Cliatt, T. Bunce, T. Garbrielson and Victor W Sparrow, 2008, "Initial results from the variable intensity sonic boom propagation database"
  • A. Piacsek, L. Locey and Victor W Sparrow, 2008, "Time-domain modeling of atmospheric turbulence effects on sonic boom propagation"
  • Victor W Sparrow, L. L. Pater and T. B. Gabrielson, 2007, "Nonlinear effects in the propagation and measurement of blast waves", pp. 7
  • L. L. Locey and Victor W Sparrow, 2007, "Perceived loudness fluctuations in low-boom signatures due to atmospheric turbulence", pp. 6
  • K. L. Gee and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Quantifying nonlinearity in the propagation of noise from military jet aircraft"
  • M. M. James, J. M. Downing, C. H. Hobbs, K. L. Gee and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Nonlinearity in the outdoor propagation of high-power jet noise: measurement results"
  • Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "PARTNER Project 8: Sonic boom mitigation"
  • K. L. Gee, A. A. Atchley, L. E. Falco, T. B. Gabrielson and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Bispectral analysis of high-amplitude jet noise", pp. AIAA Paper 2005-2937
  • K. L. Gee, Victor W Sparrow, T. B. Gabrielson and A. A. Atchley, 2005, "Nonlinear modeling of F/A-18E noise propagation", pp. AIAA Paper 2005-3089
  • L. E. Falco, K. L. Gee, A. A. Atchley and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Investigation of a single point indicator of nonlinearity in one-dimensional propagation", pp. 1385-1389
  • K. L. Gee and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Asymptotic behavior in the numerical propagation of finite-amplitude jet noise"
  • A. L. Loubeau and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Nonlinear propagation of high-frequency energy from blast waves"
  • L. Locey and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "FIR filter models for sonic boom propagation through turbulence"
  • D. Sastrapradja and Victor W Sparrow, 2005, "Rayleigh streaming simulation in a cylindrical tube using the vorticity transport equation"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2016 Rayleigh Lecture, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, November 2016


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




Founded in 1965, Penn State's Graduate Program in Acoustics has become the leading resource for graduate education in acoustics in the United States. The interdisciplinary program leads to the degrees: Master of Engineering in Acoustics (M.Eng.), Master of Science in Acoustics (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Acoustics (Ph.D.)

Graduate Program in Acoustics

College of Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

14 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

556 White Course Drive

University Park, PA 16802