Resident Education

The Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State is a unique interdisciplinary program leading to master’s and doctoral degrees in acoustics. The program is focused entirely on acoustics, a subject touching many diverse disciplines such as architectural acoustics, biomedical ultrasound, noise and vibration control, transducer design, underwater acoustics, signal processing, aeroacoustics, structural vibration, speech and communication, outdoor propagation, computational methods, and much more.
Graduate Degrees
Distance Education

The Distance Education Program was created in 1987 to give full-time working professionals the opportunity to earn a Master of Engineering in Acoustics or to enhance individual knowledge by taking selected courses while continuing to work full-time. The Distance Education Program utilizes video streaming broadcasts of our graduate course lectures during the spring and fall semesters.
Graduate Degrees
How It Works
Application Information

Julianna Simon named interim director of Graduate Program in Acoustics
Julianna Simon, associate professor of acoustics and of biomedical engineering, has been named the interim director of the Penn State Graduate Program in Acoustics.